Sunday 2nd February
- 11.15am Sung Eucharist and Sermon. Celebrant Father Alan Hawker
Wednesday 5th February
- 11am Mass ( Book of Common Prayer). Celebrant Father Russell Hunt
- 5.30pm Choral Evensong sung by the De Montfort Chamber Choir. Celebrant Father Chris Oxley
Sunday 9th February – Fourth Sunday before Lent
- 11am Sung Eucharist and Sermon. Celebrant Father Stephen Foster
Wednesday 12th February
- 11am Mass ( Book of Common Prayer). Celebrant Father Philip O’Reilly
Sunday 16th February – Third Sunday before Lent
- 11am Sung Eucharist and Sermon. Celebrant Father Russell Hunt
Wednesday 19th February
- 11am Mass ( Book of Common Prayer). Celebrant Father Alan Hawker
Sunday 23rd February – Second Sunday before Lent
- 11am Sung Eucharist and Sermon. Celebrant Father Bob Stephen
Wednesday 26th February
- 11am Mass ( Book of Common Prayer). Celebrant Father Johannes Arens
February Events Calendar
Some Forthcoming Services and Events
- Wednesday 5th March 7.30pm – Mass for Ash Wednesday sung by De Montfort Chamber Choir
- Sunday 30th March 11am Mothering Sunday Sung Mass with the Leicester University Chamber Choir
- Sunday April 13th 11am Palm Sunday – Blessing of the Palms, Procession, Reading of the Passion Gospel according to St Matthew & Sung Mass
- Thursday 17th April 7.30pm Maundy Thursday – The Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper. Said Mass
- Friday 18th April 2pm Good Friday – Liturgy of the Death of our Lord: The Passion according to St John; veneration of the Cross & Holy Communion
- Saturday 19th April 7.30pm Holy Saturday – Easter Vigil. First Mass of Easter; The Paschal Candle is blessed, the lighting of the Easter Fire
- Sunday 20th April 11am Easter Sunday