This Christmas the Servers were performing their duties in their new cassocks and surplices. And very fetching they looked too!
Stephen, one of the Servers, was happy to provide a list of duties that they perform as part of the service at St Mary de Castro.
Stephen says “Serving in the Church is very important. You are serving are Lord.”
There are many things that a Server can do.
At the start of the service, the entrance procession is lead by the thurifer carrying a thurible containing burning incense, a crucifer carrying the processional cross and flanked on each side by acolytes carrying lighted candles.
The Servers attend to supporting tasks at the altar such as fetching and carrying, ringing the altar bell, helping bring up the gifts, and bringing up the liturgical books, among other things.
The Servers were also proudly wearing their Guild of Servants of the Sanctuary medals. The Guild supports Altar Servers and arranges special services for worship and fellowship.
If you would like to know anymore about the Servers at St Mary de Castro or the Guild of Servants of the Sanctuary, please stay after the service and ask one of the servers. They are very easy to spot and will be happy to speak to you.