Summer is here! Although the weather has not confirmed this yet.
There are a number of events at St Mary de Castro over the next few months for music lovers, history buffs and people who are curious and want to see a little more of their local area and the church.
In addition to our services on Wednesdays and Sundays we are open to the public at the following times. (Subject to volunteer availability):
- Monday: 11am – 12.30pm
- Tuesday: 12 noon – 2pm
- Wednesday: 10.30am – 10.55am; 11.30am – 12 noon
- Thursday: 12 noon – 2pm
- Friday and Saturday: 12 noon – 4pm
- Sunday: 10am – 10.55am; 12.15pm – 1pm
If you are part of a large group wishing to visit us, please contact us by email ( to let us know when you are coming.
On the last Sunday of May, June, July, August and October we are open for Heritage Sundays. To download a copy of the Heritage Sunday leaflet please click here. You can also book onto 1 hour guided tours from local history experts. Tickets: £6 adults, £5 concessions (over 60s, students/children).
And not forgetting, the Ride and Stride on Saturday 14th September. For more details see
We also some special services and concerts from local choirs:
- Wednesday 26th June 5.30pm Choral Evensong from the De Montfort Chamber Choir
- Monday 8th July 2-3pm SoundCafe Choir
- Thursday 15th August 7.30pm Mass for Assumption Day sung by Cantores Vagantes Choral Society
Have a wonderful Summer and we hope to see you soon!